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Wilkirson-Hatch-Bailey Funeral Home is celebrating 99 years of service. Five generations of our family have worked at our funeral home. That’s why we can truly say we are a “Family Serving …
Wilkirson-Hatch-Bailey Funeral Home is celebrating 99 years of service. Five generations of our family have worked at our funeral home. That’s why we can truly say we are a “Family Serving Families.” Decade after decade we’ve brought comfort to those seeking our services. We create all kinds of services for folks, from all walks of life. We understand budgets and the importance of our preferred central location. Wilkirson-Hatch-Bailey works hard to provide services that exceed your expectation, whether it’s a traditional funeral, a graveside service, memorial service or cremation. We help you honor a life in the way you want them to be remembered
The funeral director's job is to assist the bereaved in various ways to help them through the loss of a loved one. A funeral director provides bereavement and consolation...