Stanton, Yankees and notre dame high school

Giancarlo Stanton slugs baseballs into the Dodger Stadium seats he used to watch from as a kid. Maligned by Yankees fans for ...
Sometimes, all you can do is stop and appreciate an out-of-this-world home run — even when the opposing team hits it. Los ...
Check out this awesome slow-motion edit of Giancarlo Stanton hitting a two-run home run in Game 1 of the World Series ...
Across 25 games throughout his career at Dodger Stadium, Stanton has 10 home runs, 26 RBIs and a .309 average in 25 games.
Formerly stars at Orange Lutheran and Sherman Oaks Notre Dame, the Yankees’ stars have become superstars – surprising ...
Giancarlo Stanton discusses what it will mean for the Yankees to return home for Game 3 of the World Series, Aaron Judge's at ...
Giancarlo Stanton has been coming to Dodger Stadium since he was a kid. Seems like every time he comes back, he sends a ...