(WJW) – God bless you. Gesundheit. Salute. No matter how you say it, the meaning behind it is the same. A sneeze is your body’s way of removing dirt, dust and pollen or other irritants from ...
In addition to the manifestation of a cold, a sneeze is attached to a spiritual meaning 🤧. Sneezing at 7 a.m. does not have ...
Qin Liu studies sneezing for a personal reason: her entire family suffers from seasonal allergies. “Until you experience something chronically, it is really hard to appreciate how disruptive it can be ...
Bless you: The sneeze simulator being tested in the lab. (Courtesy: Research group ECOMMFIT from the URV) A new “sneeze simulator” could help scientists understand how respiratory illnesses such as ...
Prosit is the standard Swedish response when someone sneezes. It comes from the Latin word prosit, which literally means something like "may it be good", from the verb prosum. You can roughly ...
A lifetime of sneezes from a boy trying to find someone to be in his life that can be there for him, even if it's just to say bless you. (Cancelled) ...
Saying “bless you” was thought to prevent evil spirits from entering while the soul was vulnerable. In other cultures, sneezing was seen as a good sign, meaning something lucky was about to ...