How many trains are there from Dadar Central to Pune? There are 26 direct trains that run between Dadar Central and Pune. The train schedules consist of 15 daily, 2 weekly, 1 biweekly and 4 triweekly ...
What is the duration of Pune to Sainagar Shirdi train journey? The duration of Pune to Sainagar Shirdi train journey is 6 hours . The Dadar Central Sainagar Shirdi Express departs Pune on Sunday, ...
Mumbaikars are set to face a double whammy this weekend as over 270 suburban train services are set to be cancelled, with 150 partially affected, due to a major block for Bandra-Mahim rail bridge work ...
Surat: Passengers spent anxious moments after a non-passenger (VPU) coach of train 19015 Dadar-Porbandar Saurashtra Express derailed at Kim station on Tuesday afternoon. The incident occurred when ...
Changes in Service Operation >> Churchgate-Dadar services will ... commuters are advised to check railway updates before travel. Motorists travelling on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway will face ...