I ’m avoiding getting too high on the good days and too low on the bad days,” Mitch McConnell was telling me. “Is today a ...
We laughed. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has a gruff charm. That was his way of poking fun at me when I saw him around town. For a long time, I wanted to quickly snap back by thanking him for ...
As the contest turns nasty, onetime allies of Senate Republicans’ former leader are now seeking President Trump’s endorsement ...
At a time when Americans are tightening their belts, we would do well to avoid policies that heap on the pain,” said the ...
Mitch McConnell announced Thursday that he won ... Here's how America's car obsession is driving us broke 18 U.S. States Where You’re Most Likely to Run Into a Bobcat (And How To Protect ...
Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) continued to lash out against ... especially after the Jan. 6 attack. Driving the news: "It's high time for America's closest neighbors to take the crisis at our border ...
Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) announcement Thursday ... was first elected in 2010. Driving the news: McConnell, the longest serving Senate party leader in U.S. history, said in a floor speech that ...
McConnell has dealt with a series of medical episodes in recent years, including injuries from falls and times when his face briefly froze while he was speaking.