James Michael Tapley, 31, a former Lubbock middle school teacher, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for Online Solicitation ...
More: United, Mrs Baird's announce Teachers On The Rise ... School for Young Women Leaders (Lubbock ISD), and Merribeth Gregory of Levelland High School.Here are the winners from January: Kathryn ...
Dear President Ovidia Molina with the Texas State Teachers Association, In response to your Feb. 23 opinion column in the Avalanche-Journal, if the school voucher bill fails, will teachers ...
The Lubbock Independent School ... investment did not directly impact the school district. "I appreciate that as a citizen, but that doesn't help our teachers to be able to make ends meet.
A graduate of Lubbock High School, Bo attended Baylor University and Baylor Medical School. He married Mary Lucille Dansby, a school teacher in Houston. The couple raised three children ...