So the Sea isle politicians now want to add a new flood control pumping station to protect the new community center. Cost unknown at this point but for sure not pa ...
To the Spouter from Town Bank talking about senior military officers and Donald Trump. The officers you mentioned should have resigned or fired for their non-action du ...
DJT's promise to build a tariff wall around the country contradicts the established Republicans’ reliance on free trade. His vow to deport 20 million immigrants threate ...
As American voters sit at their kitchen table thinking about voting this election season their reality sets in as they need to pay their mortgage, tax bills, heating bi ...
Former president Trump has vowed to launch a mass deportation of immigrants. He made a similar promise during his first administration. But of course, this time he wil ...
Biden and Harris have a shameful record on the border and it will continue and get worse under Harris - Vote Trump ...
Does anyone know what is going to happen to the Ocean City landmark Ferris Wheel that is at the Gillian’s Wonderland? The town needs to retain this symbol of the ...
Well, I have witnessed 5 head on Chicken matches on Weeks Landing Rd in the last week. All involved school busses, ups/fed-ex trucks, and me. The road is 8' wide.
As I drive on clubhouse drive to look at the million dollar houses in the villas ?amazing I remember 1984 little cottages.then I see neighbors flying different political ...
Avalon - An Avalon Spouter continues to mistake anti-Trump spouts as expressing hatred for Trump. No, Spouter, we are pointing out how corrupt, unethical, immoral and vile the man ...
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