Star Wars, George Lucas and Episode

The Phantom Menace is the Star Wars movie that just keeps giving. Over 25 years after the blockbuster brought a galaxy far, ...
Episode I – The Phantom Menace, 26 years after the movie’s release. It turns out that George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, ...
Ultimately, “The Phantom Menace” is a movie that spreads itself too thin, not committing itself to characters or politics, ...
For several years, there's been a rumor that Lucas had a cameo in 'The Phantom Menace,' and it's finally been found.
Although he is a member of the alien species known as Besalisks, Dexter was named after a nickname given to Lucas’ son, Jett, ...
T here are few film franchises quite as popular as the Star Wars movies, as generations grew up on George Lucas' colorful ...