Wells countered, suggesting the CHIP should not only guide Lubbock Public Health and city government, but is meant to create a strategic plan for the entire healthcare community in Lubbock as a whole.
Lubbock’s city council has accepted a new roadmap to help lead the Public Health Department in making the Hub City a healthier place. All councilmembers but District 3’s David Glasheen voted Tuesday ...
Will this one have any luck? Only time will tell as developers met with Tech Terrace residents Thursday evening and plan to bring it to the City of Lubbock's Planning and Zoning Commission on Feb. 6.
What started with two hours of citizen comments was only the tip of the iceberg of this week's city council meeting, which entailed lively debate and accusations of socialism from council members.
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - Lubbock’s city council has accepted a new roadmap to help lead the Public Health Department in making the Hub City a healthier place. All councilmembers but District 3 ...
Previous reporting: Lubbock City Council poised to clash on health department's future plans Wilson said when she first opposed the plan, it was due to it being given to the council at the last ...