Voiced by Eddie Murphy, the talkative Donkey served as the sidekick to Shrek (Mike Myers) in the original film and three sequels, the most recent of which was released in 2010. “It’s evident if you ...
Oscar-winner Cillian Murphy has been spotted in Birmingham, UK, filming for the upcoming Peaky Blinders movie Netflix announced that production had officially started on the film earlier this month.
Netflix is making it their resolution to deliver top-notch content this January in the form of films and specials that ... world of espionage and danger in order to keep their family safe Released ...
Gooodbye, 2024, you year of belated sequels, failed superhero-movie spin-offs, sci-fi extravaganzas and a hit witch musical, you! Hello, 2025, the upcoming annum that promises more, er ...
No one is really questioning who calls the shots in Van Halen. Although every member is responsible for turning them into a hard rock institution, it’s hard to discount what Eddie brought to the table ...
To celebrate another great year, RadioTimes.com asked our writers and contributors to submit their 10 favourite films to have been released in UK cinemas or on streaming in 2024, and now we've ...
Find all the new films and series this week on streaming services such as Netflix, Disney+, Crave, Paramount+, Prime Video, BritBox, Apple TV+, CBC Gem & more.
This is an updated version of a story first published on Feb. 18, 2024. The original video can be viewed here. 2023 was the year the world learned to pronounce Cillian. The ancient Irish name ...