When a police officer gave state Sen. Mark Finchem a speeding ticket, the Arizona Republican didn’t need to worry about the ...
Are you ready for some all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage and more? The Lubbock Lions Club has you covered today with their ...
There were only so many chair positions to go around, with 30 committees for 88 Republicans, making it inevitable that some would miss out on plum appointments.
Reeves County was rocked Friday night by 5.0 and 2.6 earthquakes, which were felt in El Paso, New Mexico and Lubbock. Here's ...
A Friday night apartment fire at the University Club Apartments has left one person in critical condition, according to ...
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - A Lubbock County commissioner wants changes made at a major intersection west of the city. Right now, ...
One person was rescued from an apartment unit and hospitalized in critical condition after a fire Friday night in west Lubbock. Here's what we know.
A crash on 50th St. and Inler Ave. Thursday afternoon spurred action from Precinct 1 County Commissioner, Mike Dalby. In ...
Lubbock Public Health has confirmed 1 case of measles in Lubbock County in an unvaccinated school aged child who was exposed ...
At least 49 cases have been confirmed. Health officials — who are scrambling to get a handle on the vaccine-preventable ...
Records show an arrested Lubbock State Supported Living Center employee is accused of breaking the jaw of a 36-year-old resident who died days later.
The NTSB says pilots of the airplane that crashed into a military helicopter in Washington, DC tried to quickly climb a second before the crash. The American Airlines flight crashed into a ...