District 5-4A baseball, which includes Estacado, Lubbock-Cooper Liberty, Levelland and Snyder, also moved games to Monday.
WOODROW — The Frenship girls and Canyon boys won the team titles at the Pirate Relays track and field meet Friday at Lubbock-Cooper's Pirate Stadium. The Tigers won six events, including two ...
According to data Wilkins presented, LISD currently has under $240 million in outstanding bonds, Lubbock Cooper ISD has $566 ...
According to data Wilkins presented, LISD currently has under $240 million in outstanding bonds, Lubbock Cooper ISD has $566 million, and Frenship ISD has $440 million. Others are reading ...
Congratulations to the following Lubbock-area high school athletes who were voted ... Week of Nov. 4: Izzy Palmer, Lubbock High basketball (45.6%); Cooper Martin, Shallowater football (54.5% ...
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - The Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees approved a proposal for a May bond election. The board heard final recommendations from its “Future Focus Committee”, including a $290 million ...
Abilene ISD announced Wednesday the next Cooper High School principal. Current Clack Middle School Principal Jon Patrick was selected as the new principal and will transition into the role ...
The Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees voted to keep a book a parent from Roscoe Wilson Elementary deemed to be inappropriate on the shelves. At their regular meeting on Thursday evening, LISD trustees ...