but it doesn’t offer massive open online courses, or MOOCs — yet. Karen Hanson, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost, said developing MOOCs is “inevitable,” but the University has to ...
Our massive open online courses – or MOOCs – bring The University of Manchester's teaching to a global audience. All you need to undertake a MOOC is an internet connection. Unlike other courses, they ...
Nurses’ Substance Use Education Through a Massive Open Online Course (NSUE-MOOC) is designed to mainstream substance use (SU) education by reaching Purdue University, West Lafayette, School of Nursing ...
IHG Academy has joined forces with the Queen Rania Foundation for Education and Development (QRF) and Edraak to launch a new Arabic-language online course titled "Careers in Hospitality."The ...
Ruralia institute and the Master’s Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource economics are jointly offering the MOOC course Sustainable Rural Social Entrepreneurship (AGERE-A09). The ...
Wicked Problems, Dynamic Solutions: The ecosystem approach and systems thinking, Concordia’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), is being offered in partnership with the United Nations Environment ...
Will provide an open, accessible resource to professionals, hobbyists, and students.
The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore has launched its first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Hindi, titled ‘From Theory to Practice: Implementing ESG and Sustainability in ...
In this course, gain a broad understanding of the key actors, drivers, impacts, and challenges involved in wastewater and nutrient pollution, the establishment of satisfactory monitoring systems, the ...
This initiative aims to provide aspiring hospitality professionals in Jordan with a comprehensive understanding of the ...