From the English ship Hopewell anchored off the coast of what is now North Carolina, Governor John White watched ... what appears to be a gentleman’s dress sword called a rapier, along with ...
Current Governor Gretchen Whitmer has reached her term limits and is ineligible to run again. FILE - Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson addresses the crowd during inauguration ceremonies ...
Jocelyn Benson (Left), Chris Swanson (Second from left), Aric Nesbitt (Second from right), and Mike Duggan (Right) are running for Michigan's governor in the 2026 election. (Images from Associated ...
MICHIGAN (WNEM) – A Michigan resident has announced his run for governor in the 2026 election. Anthony Hudson announced his candidacy on Wednesday, Feb. 12, with a campaign centered on his ...
FLINT, Mich. — Chris Swanson, the high-profile sheriff of Michigan’s Genesee County, is launching a Democratic bid to become the battleground state’s next governor. First elected sheriff of ...
Chris Swanson, Prominent Sheriff and Democrat, Announces Run for Michigan Governor FLINT, Mich. (AP) — Chris Swanson, the high-profile sheriff of Michigan's Genesee County, is launching a ...
There’s a new candidate for Michigan governor. While he may not bring a great deal of name recognition to much of the state, Chris Swanson definitely brings enthusiasm. Thursday evening in Flint ...
House Republicans don’t plan to take up bipartisan legislation that would create more transparency in Lansing by opening lawmakers and the governor’s office to public records requests.