The Notre Dame Cathedral reopened last year after a devastating fire occurred at the historic landmark in 2019.
Performers and visitors to the famous gothic cathedral in the midst of the River Seine may find some subtle differences to ...
As a young Duke art history professor in 1979, Caroline Bruzelius convinced officials at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to let her climb scaffolding during a renovation to get a close look at the ...
The famed Parisian cathedral is raffling off around 50 stones from the building that were too damaged in the fire to reuse.
And once again, Notre Dame cathedral filled with music and prayer. “Notre Dame, model of faith,” Archbishop Laurent Ulrich intoned. “Open your doors to bring us together in joy, the ...
The devastating fire at Notre-Dame de Paris on April 15, 2019 reminded the world of the significance of humanity’s built heritage and inspired a resolute commitment to rebuild. The extraordinary ...
A French organisation dedicated to the conservation of the country's heritage has launched a fundraising drive offering ...
The annual New York Encounter opened on Valentine's Day evening with a love letter to Notre Dame Cathedral, presented by its ...
A crane stands in front of the Notre Dame cathedral. Around 50 stones from the iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral, each weighing nearly 800 grams and engraved with the silhouette of its main façade ...
Even if you're not an avid churchgoer, the silvery spires of Ottawa's Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica are sure to catch your eye. Sitting across the street from the National Gallery of Canada ...
Notre-Dame was, for a brief time ... multiple times in different locations to build up a full acoustic model of the cathedral's interior. There is an extra soul in this cathedral, which everyone ...