The Wells Downeaster train station is getting another platform, the latest development in an expansion that will enable Amtrak to offer an additional morning route aimed at commuters in and out of ...
Narrowly defeated last year, rail advocates have returned with refreshed legislation aimed at restoring passenger service from Portland to Bangor.
On this week's My Unsung Hero, Ellen Wyoming DeLoy tells the story of a train conductor who saved her from potential danger.
PORTLAND, Ore. — A person is dead after being hit by a train near the Delta Park/Vanport MAX Station in Portland, according to fire officials. Portland Fire and Rescue responded to the scene ...
The $11.8 million project involves replacing the station ... The train’s schedule will be designed to serve commuters traveling to and from the Greater Portland Region. More: Wells eyes ...
The first new MAX trains in a decade are rolling out on TriMet's light rail system. Thirty will enter service this year, replacing the fleet's oldest set of trains.
Opposition to light rail on the planned Interstate 5 replacement bridge continues to grow in Clark County’s small cities.
A man was killed after being struck by a MAX train at the Delta Park Transit Station in North Portland Wednesday night, authorities said. Read online: <a href=" ...
A man died at a TriMet MAX light trail station in Portland, Oregon. Screengrab from KGW A man died after getting dragged by a light rail in Oregon, deputies said. The incident happened at ...
An uptick in dysentery, the diarrhea-inducing disease often associated with frontier times past, is on the rise in the Portland ... public toilets and handwash stations year-round.