The 2005 drama is one of almost 20 adaptations of a beloved literary classic and boasts an 87% rating on Rotten Tomatoes ...
Apart from inspiring cinematic adaptations, Austen's novel has also led to a world of associated stories, including Janet ...
Howards End is like the missing link between Pride & Prejudice and Succession. The BBC One/Starz series was adapted from E.M. Forster's classic novel by Oscar-winning screenwriter Kenneth Lonergan ...
Based on Jane Austen's classic novel, the drama is considered a 'cinematic classic' by film fans and critics alike - and it will air on BBC Two today ...
We’ll include sections for a few of the most popular adaptations below as well, to give fans of the live action TV and film ...
One admirer on Rotten Tomatoes exclaimed: "I've seen every version of Pride and Prejudice and didn't think anything could be better than the BBC's 1995 Jennifer Ehle/Colin Firth 6-hour version.