Talk of replacing the American nuclear umbrella over Europe with the small British and French nuclear armories is in the air, ...
The last thing that Trump wants is for the US to be drawn back into another war with Russia after “Pivoting (back) to Asia”, let alone a direct one ...
As Macron and Merz propose French nuclear-armed jets be stationed in Poland and Germany, the dangerous implications for peace ...
The Trump administration’s warning that Europe must take care of security in its own backyard raises questions, including ...
Some rearmament is desirable. But figuring out how much to spend—and what to make—is critical to avoid mistakes, writes ...
In the year after Russia launched outright war on Ukraine, NATO leaders approved a set of military plans designed to repel an ...
Helicopters are some of the most versatile military assets, they play a number of roles on and off the battlefield that ...
Without historical context, which is buried by corporate media, it’s impossible to understand Ukraine. Historians will tell ...
The “root causes” also refer to the Kremlin’s claims that Russia is threatened by NATO expansion after the Cold War. That ...
The United States drew closer to its G7 allies on Friday, at least momentarily, to back Ukraine's territorial integrity and ...