"The Brutalist," the story of a Holocaust survivor who chases the American dream, and musical thriller "Emilia Perez" took ...
President Joe Biden announced that a monument dedicated to the women's suffrage movement would be placed on the National Mall ...
It is time for the female members of Congress to take a stand on behalf of women and girls. They should start by supporting Nancy Mace.
Women from across the country, including many from Staten Island, are practically begging President Joe Biden to make this one thing happen before he leaves office.
In late 2017, a small group of senior Nike employees gathered for brunch at a co-worker’s home in Portland’s West Hills. A ...
The topic of January 6th was a particularly heated one for the cohosts. Ana Navarro expressed pride in Vice President Kamala ...
U.S. Capitol—co-host Whoopi Goldberg's choice of clothing appeared to make a clear statement about her personal beliefs.