Space-Time Smackdown is an upcoming expansion for Pokémon TCG Pocket. This update will add new cards, alongside seemingly new types of cards, and finally introduces the long-awaited trading feature.
POKÉMON TCG Pocket’s long-awaited trading feature is just around the corner, and the game is already warning players not to ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket’s new expansion, Space-Time Smackdown is finally on its way, bringing a ton of new cards, features, and packs.
Pokemon has revealed a Gardevoir Funko Pop that will be available to buy later this week. Its reveal comes right after ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket issues a warning players who break their ToS will be penalized as the new expansion and trading feature ...
Ahead of the launch of Pokémon Legends: Z-A this year and Pokémon Day next month, Nintendo has this week added the Pokémon Legends: Arceus soundtrack to its music application.
When do Raid Hours take place in Pokemon Go? Each week, Niantic hosts a special Raid Hour to give players a better chance at catching the current 5-Star Raid Pokemon. All of the Gyms that have ...