Xi Jinping exchanged New Year greetings with Vladimir Putin last week, saying that both countries have always moved forward “hand in hand” on the right path. China Daily said both leaders vowed to ...
CDT编者按: 2023年12月,有中国“民间防艾第一人”之称的高耀洁医生在美国纽约逝世,享年95岁。2024年12月30日,自由亚洲电台旗下的中文新闻杂志 歪脑 ...
Reference to Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei (Ài Wèiwei 艾未未). The use of this code lead to the phrase "love the future" being blocked from Weibo search results around June-August 2011.
Code name for Zhou Yongkang, former public security chief and close ally of fallen Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai; a popular brand of instant noodles. The kāng 康 in the brand name is the ...
Young, nationalistic netizen who attacks the social media accounts of people perceived to have slighted China, typically as part of a large "expedition" across the Great Firewall to Facebook.
Coded support for the Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.
Chai Jing is the impassioned journalist known for her viral self-funded documentary on air pollution, "Under the Dome" (Qióngdǐng zhīxià 穹顶之下). Co-released online in February 2015 by ...
Vague descriptor that is often used as code for towing the Party line. “Positive energy” was meme-ified in China during the 2010 trial of Song Shanmu, the founder of a well-known vocational ...
Columnist and pop-psychologist Tang Yinghong employs his wide-ranging knowledge—and his public WeChat account—to analyze a host of social phenomenon in China: the mass appeal of the pollution ...