The Most Rev. Alain Faubert, Bishop of Valleyfield, was elected to the Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod. The Ordinary Council will play a fundamental role both in the ...
Today, in Rome, at Saint Peter’s Basilica, in the twelfth year of his pontificate, His Holiness Pope Francis issued his latest Encyclical Letter, Dilexit Nos (“He loved us”): On the Human and Divine ...
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Pontifical Academy for Life, in collaboration with other partners, ...
Today, as a follow-up to the International Interfaith Symposium on Palliative Care, “Towards a Narrative of Hope,” a Post-Symposium Working Group has released its anticipated Statement and ...
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is the national assembly of the Bishops of Canada. It was founded in 1943 and officially recognized by the Holy See in 1948.