Undergraduate students at the University of Pennsylvania in the US city of Philadelphia have been exploring digital ...
ITU and others issued a call to action during WEF annual meeting to develop and promote interoperable digital wallet ...
The Digital Infrastructure Investment Initiative (DIII), launched by ITU with development finance institutions, centers ...
En Tampere, ciudad de Finlandia situada a 200 km al norte de Helsinki, 225 delegados de 75 países se congregaron en junio de 1998 en el marco de la Conferencia Intergubernamental sobre ...
Thousands of telecommunication professionals trace the beginnings of their careers to the exploration of the radio spectrum that was made possible by their early involvement in amateur radio. Many ...
El Grupo de Trabajo sobre el Gobierno de Internet (GTGI) afirma en sus conclusiones que es necesario introducir ajustes en los actuales acuerdos sobre el gobierno de Internet a fin de equipararlos con ...
Today’s digital economy offers great potential to unlock economic growth and social development globally. But there is an entrance requirement: Internet connectivity. As many as 2.6 billion people — ...
Imagine a world everyone can use the Internet, where urban areas worldwide are linked into a fibre network, and where support is readily available for anyone who cannot afford digital services or ...
Digital infrastructure has become a foundation for many activities in communities, businesses, and governments. It helps to maximize human capacity and quality of life by increasing people’s access to ...
Dans les pays en développement en particulier, la téléphonie mobile joue un rôle crucial pour mettre les services à la disposition d’une grande partie de la population. Néanmoins, il reste encore ...
Como la mayoría de las actividades que dependen de la tecnología, el sector de las telecomunicaciones siempre se ha caracterizado por un crecimiento constante marcado por los ocasionales saltos hacia ...
The ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) joined forces with the Digital Regulatory Academy (DRA) of the Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST) of Saudi Arabia to drive digital ...