Others said they tuned out the inauguration altogether. More than a dozen interviews with Americans nationwide indicated that the country remains polarized even as Trump in his inaugural address ...
President Donald Trump on Monday pardoned about 1,500 people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in a sweeping gesture of support to the people who assaulted police as they tried to prevent ...
Thousands of Israelis gathered in Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, some cheering and some in tears, as a giant television screen broadcast the first glimpse of the first three hostages to be released ...
Negotiators are zeroing in on a potential deal to resolve one of the most explosive questions looming over Syria's future: the fate of Kurdish forces that the U.S. considers key allies against Islamic ...
Thousands of Donald Trump's supporters packed a Washington arena on Sunday to celebrate his victory, a day before the president-elect returns to power with plans to aggressively reshape U.S.
The U.S. Commerce Department and FBI are both investigating a little-known telecoms hardware firm founded by senior Huawei veterans in China over possible security risks, sources and documents show.
Wildfires that devastated neighbourhoods across Los Angeles have provided fresh motivation for critics of the 2028 Games and complicated the effort to host the world's biggest sporting event, but ...
新上任的地監局行政總裁梁松泰表示, 今年會密切留意「簡樸房」立法程序, 根據與政府及業界的溝通, 相信立法時間表很快, 會留意條例最終內容, 研究哪些方面需要對業界加強宣傳及提供專業援助, 繼續與各方緊密合作. 另外, 繼續推進強制性持續專業進修計劃, 幫助業界獲取更多新資訊和技能. 至於去年持牌代理按年減少百分之2.8, 至38482人, 地監局主席蕭澤宇表示, 受住宅、非住宅、買賣、租賃等因素 ...
國泰航空網上系統早上出現技術問題, 無法使用網站及手機應用程式, 預訂機票、管理行程、預辦登機等, 現已回復正常.
證監會允許個股槓桿及反向產品港發行. 港交所回應指, 歡迎證監會公布允許個股槓桿及反向產品在香港發行, 令香港將成為亞洲首個提供有關創新產品的市場, 進一步豐富產品生態圈, 鞏固香港作為亞洲首選ETP市場的地位. 港交所將與發行人及各方持份者緊密合作以順利引入產品, 會致力進一步提升香港作為國際金融中心的吸引力和競爭力為市場及投資者帶來更多元化的選擇.
大灣區航空取消2月及3月期間, 合共128班航班, 運輸及物流局局長陳美寶表示, 局方已要求大灣區航空一星期內提交報告交代事件, 局方與民航處會繼續跟進. 她表示, 今次事件涉及多種原因, 認為大灣區航空就新飛機付運及維修方面應該預計得更好, 航班整合亦應深思熟慮和有序處理, 當中不少地方仍有進步空間, 目前最重要是照顧好受影響乘客, 將影響減至最低, 重建客戶信心. 陳美寶指出, 大灣區航空自2 ...
財經事務及庫務局局長許正宇表示, 多元共融不僅能激發創新思維, 更有助企業在全球人才競爭中脫穎而出, 本港金融業一直走在前端, 通過推動性別多元化, 為企業注入新視野和活力, 提升決策質素和競爭力. 港交所行政總裁陳翊庭表示, 致力推動香港市場的企業管治水平及多元化發展, 非常自豪能成為全球首家結束單一性別董事會的國際交易所, 規定上市公司於今年起至少委任一名女性董事. 財庫局在社交媒體發布短片, ...