关于孩子们自己规划的未来,无论男孩或是女孩,表示对“结婚”一事“没有具体想法”者均最多,且占比高于2001年出生者。2001年出生的女孩中,“希望在20到24岁”和“希望在25到29岁”时结婚,即打算在20多岁完婚的合计占比为54.8%,而2010年 ...
在熊本县菊池市的“道之驿” (*1) 旭志,约20万株秋英迎来观赏佳期,吸引了无数远近来客。择时播种的金黄色向日葵也竞相绽放,与五彩缤纷的秋英交相辉映,令游人赏心悦目,陶醉其中。(时事通信映像中心) ...
青森县十和田市的奥入濑溪流迎来了秋游的大好季节。徒步旅行者们伴着潺潺的溪流声,在水边林间尽享漫步的乐趣。树叶已经开始变色,预计月底,似火燃烧的红叶将等待游客的到来。(时事通信映像中心) ...
Tokyo, Oct. 24 (Jiji Press)--Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corp. said Thursday that it will set up a new company on Nov. 1 to run camp sites effectively using digital technology. The new ...
Tokyo, Oct. 24 (Jiji Press)--The results of Sunday's general election in Japan could affect the country's defense policy and planned tax hikes to boost defense spending, which are opposed by many ...
Tokyo, Oct. 24 (Jiji Press)--Funai Electric Co., a Japanese maker of audio and video equipment, received court approval of its bankruptcy plan on Thursday, Teikoku Databank Ltd., a credit research ...
Tokyo, Oct. 24 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Princess Hisako of Takamado will visit the United States from Nov. 14 to 19, the Imperial Household Agency said Thursday. During the unofficial visit, she ...
帝国データバンクによると、音響・映像機器メーカーの船井電機(大阪府大東市)が24日、東京地裁から破産手続きの開始 ...
Tokyo, Oct. 24 (Jiji Press)--Customs at two major international airports in Japan failed to collect more than 300 million yen in consumption taxes from foreign visitors who bought duty-free items ...
Tokyo, Oct. 24 (Jiji Press)--Sexual harassment by voters against female candidates is a persistent issue in Japanese elections and is believed to be one of the factors preventing female ...
石川県警によると、同県能登町で24日、通行人から「土砂の中に人の足のようなものが見える」との通報があ ...