Impact Rare Earth Technological metals are often called as such due to their outstanding physical properties. This is, for example, the case with the extreme resistance of metals such ...
Improving Heat Generation Among all possible demands for energy, heat is the highest end-use (including, for example, electricity transformed to heat). So it makes sense that decarbonization will only ...
New studies suggest that virtual experiences can be beneficial to mental health. When you think of virtual reality, you probably picture yourself or younger generations traveling through digital ...
D printing has captured the imagination of a range of industries worldwide. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing ...
In the rapidly evolving digital asset industry, transparency is essential to establish trust among customers, regulators, and investors. Among the tools developed to ensure this trust is Proof of ...
Equinox Gold Corp. 从事矿产资源的运营、收购、勘探和开发。该公司主要勘探金和银矿。其资产包括位于巴西马拉尼昂州的 Aurizona 金矿、位于米纳斯吉拉斯州的 RDM 金矿以及位于巴西巴伊亚州的 ...
广告商披露 致力于严格的编辑标准,为我们的读者提供准确的评论和评级。 当您点击我们评论的产品链接时,我们可能会收到补偿。 ESMA:差价合约是复杂的工具,并且由于杠杆 ...
Immutep Limited 是一家生物技术公司,从事候选药物产品的研究和开发。该公司开发用于治疗癌症和自身免疫性疾病的免疫治疗产品。其主要候选产品是 eftilagimod alpha (efti 或 IMP321),这是一种重组 ...
NVE Corporation 在美国和国际上开发和销售使用自旋电子学的设备,自旋电子学是一种依靠电子自旋来获取、存储和传输信息的纳米技术。该公司生产自旋电子产品,包括用于获取和传输数据的传感 ...
广告商披露 致力于严格的编辑标准,为我们的读者提供准确的评论和评级。 当您点击我们评论的产品链接时,我们可能会收到补偿。 ESMA:差价合约是复杂的工具,并且由于杠杆 ...
Synchrony Financial 及其子公司是美国的一家消费金融服务公司。它提供信贷产品,例如信用卡、商业信贷产品和消费者分期贷款。该公司还提供自有品牌信用卡、双卡、联名和通用信用卡、短期和 ...
Columbus McKinnon Corporation 设计、制造和销售智能运动解决方案,以符合人体工程学的方式在全球范围内移动、提升、定位和固定物料。该公司提供电动、气动、杠杆和手动起重机;起重机小车 ...