The fuel economy standards have been in place since the 1970s energy crisis and were intended to conserve fuel and save ...
The use of a fuel known as “renewable diesel” being at the central heating plant at the University of Massachusetts on the coldest days of the year, in place of liquefied natural gas and ...
A new fuel compound run on renewable and synthetic materials has been touted as a possible alternative to electric vehicles.
Unraveling the chemical processes in soot particle filters reveals new ways to produce synthetic fuels.
With carbon capture pipelines proliferating, U.S. regulators propose stricter rules to prevent a leak like on in Satartia, ...
Tackling carbon emissions in heavy industries means getting creative and going straight to the source of the problem.
LanzaJet, a leader in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)1 technology and producer of SAF, today announced the selection of the ...
Carbon particles are present in many aspects of our daily lives. Soot, which consists of tiny carbon particles, is generated when energy sources such ...