Florida lawmakers want voters to amend the state constitution to eliminate the lieutenant governor’s position | Opinion ...
The proposal would give the commissioner of government efficiency authority to "audit, investigate and report on fraud, waste and abuse." ...
At least five other states manage fine without LG’s, assigning succession duties to people like the attorney general or ...
The House Government Operations Subcommittee has approved of a proposal to end the office of lieutenant governor.
Proposed constitutional amendment asks voters to replace position with ‘commissioner of government efficiency’ in Florida ...
State lawmakers are pushing for a constitutional amendment to instead create a new elected cabinet position called the ...
Florida voters would be asked to do away with the office of lieutenant governor and create a new Cabinet position of “commissioner of government efficiency,” under a proposed constitutional ...
A proposal that would ask voters next year to eliminate the office of lieutenant governor and create a new Cabinet position of “commissioner of government ...
Associated Press As Florida approaches the 2026 gubernatorial election ... surpassing other potential candidates such as ...
Stuart, is doubling down on her mission to jumpstart Florida’s electric-aircraft sector, winning unanimous backing Wednesday ...