The rink officially opened this past weekend. Mayor Amy Praught said that the city acquired a parcel of land from the Greater ...
When it comes to ice, members of the International Falls Figure Skating Club can’t get away from it. They spin on it, fall on it, jump on it and spend many early mornings trying to wake up ...
The young girls featured, like sisters Tori and Ashley, newcomer Adrianna, and senior Ariyana, are breaking barriers as girls ...
I laced up my skates at the mouth of Lake of the Woods, beside a row of boat docks covered in snow. Ahead of me lay miles of the twisting, frozen Warroad River, which I planned to skate — in the dark.
First Selectman Fred Camillo said he plans to form a task force to investigate where a new ice rink should be built, perhaps ...
The pairings are set for the Colonial Valley Conference Tournament that is starting on Wednesday, with the Hopewell ...
Winter in Alaska has waterfalls frozen mid-cascade, ice caves so blue they look unreal, and lakes so clear you can skate ...
Winter — the season of snowflakes, frosty air, and hot chocolate. While some people love the wonderland that comes with the ...