Learn effective strategies from Master Gardeners to control the invasive nutsedge weed, a common lawn problem.
However, some perennials are considered invasive, with aggressive growth habits helping particular species to outcompete ...
Computer models predict that hotter, drier conditions in North America will limit the growth of a fungus that normally curbs the spread of the spongy moth, an invasive species that has caused millions ...
This new research estimates the price and benefits of recovering threatened species – and offers cost-effective ways for ...
The Steiner Ranch Residential Owners Association (SRROA) and Lake Travis Fire Rescue (LTFR) are working with Rent-A-Ruminant ...
Ahead, here are some of the most commonly available invasive plants you should never plant: ...
Non-native plants are crowding out native ones in the Pacific Northwest and posing new challenges for the organizations that manage them.
As many Wyoming residents know firsthand, introduction of invasive weed species, such as cheatgrass, medusahead and Palmer ...
The reason fire threat has increased is the result of the introduction of invasive grasses such as Buffelgrass and Fountain Grass. These invasives out-compete plants native to the Sonoran Desert ...
For some, more work may be needed than for others. On Reddit, one homeowner sought advice after removing invasive species from the grasslands on their property. Posted to the subreddit ...
That’s because dry, invasive grass on its property was where the ... “To know that our native species are still up there. They’re still emerging that they’re ready to just be,” she ...
The preliminary map for Hurricane Milton shows 114 possible non-native species, including 56 invasive, had the potential to spread. A USGS FaST map showing the potential spread of the invasive ...