Any veterans who are needing to register for care at the Lubbock VA clinic can call 806-472-3400 or visit one of our patient ...
The City of Lubbock announced that if 10 thousand veterans register for care at the Lubbock VA Clinic will be eligible for ...
BEAUMONT, Texas — As patients and family members buzzed about a busy lobby in the Beaumont VA clinic, nine American heroes, ranging in age from 99 to 101, sat in the front of the room ...
"We continue to look forward to the future opening of the West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System multi-specialty clinic," West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System Executive Cory Price. "Activation of ...
York County veterans will have more access to specialized medical care as the York VA Clinic embarks on a $2.8 million expansion project at its Springettsbury Township facility. Douglas Etter ...
In a call with journalists, the Illinois Democrat said her staff heard from VA employees who worked for the crisis line or supported the VA claims process. She said two from Illinois may have been ...