We’re just a couple years away from the 50th anniversary of A New Hope, the very first of the Star Wars movies in order (release-wise), which, among other things, catapulted Mark Hamill to ...
Potts posted an Instagram photo alongside Hamill, now 73, as they posed inside a Corvette outside a movie theater. In the ...
Poor Chewbacca never got his golden bravery medal for helping to destroy the Death Star during "Star Wars"' climactic Battle ...
Englund auditioned unsuccessfully for the first Star Wars film, aiming for the Han Solo role that ultimately went to Harrison Ford. He has since claimed he was the one who persuaded Mark Hamill to ...
American actors Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford all starred in the first Star Wars film A medal given to Luke Skywalker after he destroyed the Death Star in Star Wars could sell for ...
The 73-year-old Star Wars actor was left scrambling after his ... the millions of people who were tuning in to watch on TV, the first few rows, which were packed full of A-listers, seemingly ...
LUKE Skywalker actor Mark Hamill faced the dark slide when his ... A clip unearthed by The Sun shows the Star Wars favourite, left, scrambling to hold up the pants while focusing on the teleprompter.
Mark Hamill ... Star Wars.” (You can watch his speech below.) Tom Felton, who starred as Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter, presented Davis with the award, revealing that the actor taught him his ...