Here is the path of the EF2 tornado that touched down in Seminole County, Florida, causing significant damage in Longwood.
Residents along Glencannon Drive were expecting rain. But instead they got a tornado that downed trees and damaged several ...
May 21, is preliminary. So far, they've found that the tornado spanned 1.3 miles -- the length of more than 22 football fields lined up end-to-end -- carving a 17-mile path of destruction.
Tornado's war-like path is obvious as the sun slowly sets in Atlantic, Pennsylvania, May 31, 1985, after twister all but leveled the small town, leaving five dead and dozens injured. About a dozen ...
The tornado was on the ground for 4 minutes and moved for 3.7 miles. About 5,000 people lost power at the peak of the storm in Pontotoc County, where Ada is located. The Ada tornado developed on ...