Given below is the road distance between Mumbai and Surat. If more than one route is available, alternate routes will also be displayed. The map given below gives road map and travel directions to ...
has launched an important steel bridge for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train project between Surat and Bharuch. The bridge, which is 100 meters long, spans four main railway tracks: two Western ...
Bus services ply regularly between Mumbai and cities like Bengaluru, Surat, Nashik, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Mangalore, Kochi and Goa. Some bus operators have their own websites to ...
The Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail (MAHSR) project will connect the business hubs of Mumbai, Surat, Vadodara, and Ahmedabad—states with high growth rates. According to a feasibility study ...
Given below is the road distance between Surat and Mumbai. If more than one route is available, alternate routes will also be displayed. The map given below gives road map and travel directions to ...