January 13th marks National Rubber Duck Day, an iconic toy immortalized in 1970 by Ernie's song in Sesame Street, which continues to delight generations and inspire charitable causes around the world.
Celebrate Rubber Duckie Day, learn about a college course for phone anxiety, and see how cities embrace the quirky No Pants Subway Ride!
We are currently celebrating National Rubber Ducky Day by passing around our custom B93 rubber ducks! So if you happen to see ...
Monday is National Rubber Ducky Day, all thanks to Ernie from Sesame Street. The birthday of his beloved rubber ducky bath toy is January 13.
Every Jan. 13, National Rubber Ducky Day is celebrated to pay tribute to the rubber duck toy found in many households. In honor of National Rubber Ducky Day, here are 12 facts about this popular bath ...