Egypt is pursuing significant expansion in its fossil fuel sector with a $7 billion petrochemical complex and new oil and gas ...
Renewable vs. Non-renewable Energy Sources In the realm of energy production, the distinction between renewable and ...
The age of electricity is upon us, but in Cyprus it is finding us unprepared. Most of the issues outlined below also apply to Cyprus. In a keynote address at the International Energy week (IE Week) ...
First Gen Corp. (First Gen) has issued a tender for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo meant to boost the supply requirements of its gas plants in Batangas. “First Gen confirms the release of a ...
Facing spiking energy demand, U.S. states are pressing for ways to build new power plants faster as policymakers try to ...
Good ideas sometimes take a while to gain acceptance; but eventually the wisdom of their merits can no longer be ignored, and ...
SA's energy future relies on coal, nuclear, and renewables, with wind, solar, and battery storage leading the way for ...
New Jersey ratepayers deserve better than the current Energy Master Plan. An “all of the above” approach would end the skyrocketing energy bills.
Amid a larger energy transition that promises a move away from fossil fuels alongside sharp increases in demand for electricity, Democratic lawmakers have zeroed in on the changes they say are needed ...
Donald Trump’s “Minerals Agreement” with Zelensky would be a boon for Putin and Big Oil, with little for Ukraine in return.
Columnist Bill Sniffin writes, “Wyoming will benefit greatly by the presidency of Donald Trump. With a fossil fuel-friendly ...