The animated show Creature Commandos started James Gunn's DCU. The first episode canonized The Suicide Squad from 2021 and Peacemaker Season 1.
The latest episode of Creature Commandos gave us a first look at The DCU's Batman, and we think we know who James Gunn has ...
After the amazingly insightful news that Brian Dennehy will be playing Batman, we think we know who almost every other character in the movie will be.
With the season one finale fast-approaching, MAX wasted no time in renewing Creature Commandos for a second season.
James Gunn has a unique mind and perspective, and I love the idea of what his projects have to offer, while I’ve kind of ...
A man was arrested after he allegedly made bomb threats to rob a bank on New Year’s Eve, according to the Turlock Police ...
Eric and Ridge are chatting in the Forrester mansion living room. Eric correctly surmises Ridge is disillusioned with Brooke.