Missoula's Department of Public Works and Mobility sat down with members of the City Council this week to discuss Missoula's ...
Safety along Reserve has long been a challenge, for both those who use it and who manage it. House censures Rep. Al Green for ...
Missoula held its first open house Wednesday on plans to redevelop the area where the Johnson Street Shelter currently ...
A study for one of Western Montana's busiest highways is now available for the public to review. The "U.S. 93: Missoula to ...
Bonnie Tarses, a longtime weaver and textile artist, has folded 44 sets of a thousand cranes and wanted to aim higher.
FWP has responded to multiple outbreaks of pigeon paramyxovirus in Missoula and Ravalli counties over the past few months.
A state senator from Missoula pleaded guilty to a charge of driving under the influence after a political fundraising event ...
The propensity of minors and young adults who are possessing firearms and willing to use them in the commission of crime has caught our attention,” Detective Guy Baker said.
The Missoula Organization of Realtors released its annual market report, which noted a 2.25% increase in the median price of ...
The Missoula County Sheriff's Office is warning the public about scams circulating around the community.One of the scams references the Gallatin County Sheriff' ...
Missoula's rental market remains challenged by a number of factors including new construction, a lack of affordability and ...
Boldman said in a written statement provided to the Montana State News Bureau the incident was “the biggest mistake of my ...