Elisabeth Yancey brings a queer twist to her role as Yvette in "Clue" at Bass Hall. Discover her unique take on the classic ...
Hannah Deitch's debut, "Killer Potential," blends murder mystery with queer romance. Explore her writing process and the book ...
For four decades Dallas Voice has been more than just a newspaper; it has been a beacon of hope, a platform for advocacy, and a mirror reflecting the diverse voices of our LGBTQ community.
Bruce Wood Dance Dallas celebrates 15 years with 'Cowboy Songs' at Gilley's. Live music, Texas dance, and a gala event.
Stage Notes is a weekly aggregate post about theater, classical music and stage news, events, reviews and other pertinent ...
Get our weekly eBlast! Join more than 20,000 opted-in subscribers keeping up with Dallas Voice every Friday. Our weekly eBlast! includes the latest news, things to do, photo galle ...
Best New BusinessFizz Plano3310 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 115, Plano972-403-3499FizzPlano.com Best Gay ApparelOutlines Men’s Wear3906 Cedar Springs Road, ...
Best VeterinarianDr. JoshIsla Veterinary Boutique Hospital14380 Marsh Lane, Ste. 110, Addison972-738-1111IslaVet.com Best Pet SupplyHollywood Feed3425 Knight St., Dallas(multiple ...
EDITORS CHOICEBEST trainers: jamc fit Gettin’ thiccInstagram:@jamc_fit; JAMCFit.com/thicc JAMC Fit founders and trainers Anthony Cortes and Wesley Watson, business partners as well as life partners, ...
BEST DANCERPole powerIn a bar known for having the sexiest dancers around, it can be hard to stand out and make an impression. But there’s no denying Wesley at TMC: The Mining Company has done just ...
Thunderbird pies7328 Gaston Ave., Ste. 110, Dallas469-577-1077ThunderbirdPies.com Dear God! If you just want to dive into deep-dish heaven, head to this Lakewood eatery. This Detroit-style pizza ...