Many U.S. utilities have completed, or are nearing completion of, their Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Meter Data Management System (MDMS) rollouts. With these implementations completing, ...
Loading capability of power transformers is limited mainly by winding temperature. As part of acceptance tests on new units, the temperature rise test is intended to demonstrate that, at full load and ...
For decades, asset decommissioning has been relegated to afterthought status in many industries, including utilities. Instead, businesses have focused their attention on bringing new projects online ...
Many people assume the Smart Grid is a revolutionary change to the operation of the electric grid. In reality, it is an incremental step in the long evolution of adding automation to the electric grid ...
Integrating components for substation automation at a handful of substations can be achieved with custom fit solutions for each integration effort. Automation of dozens of substations, on the other ...
As a consumer driven nation, retailers have long offered incentive based programs to impact behavior, and customers have been happy to comply. The most commonly recognizable scenario in our recent ...