Others said they tuned out the inauguration altogether. More than a dozen interviews with Americans nationwide indicated that the country remains polarized even as Trump in his inaugural address ...
Thousands of Israelis gathered in Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, some cheering and some in tears, as a giant television screen broadcast the first glimpse of the first three hostages to be released ...
Negotiators are zeroing in on a potential deal to resolve one of the most explosive questions looming over Syria's future: the fate of Kurdish forces that the U.S. considers key allies against Islamic ...
Thousands of Donald Trump's supporters packed a Washington arena on Sunday to celebrate his victory, a day before the president-elect returns to power with plans to aggressively reshape U.S.
Wildfires that devastated neighbourhoods across Los Angeles have provided fresh motivation for critics of the 2028 Games and complicated the effort to host the world's biggest sporting event, but ...
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday mounted a robust defense of the Biden administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that its stimulus spending led to robust growth and ...
Israel intensified strikes on Gaza hours after a ceasefire and hostage release deal was announced, residents and authorities in the Palestinian enclave said, and mediators sought to quell fighting ...
Negotiators reached a phased ceasefire deal on Wednesday in the war in Gaza between Israel and the militant group Hamas. Here is some reaction to the deal. U.S. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN "I can announce a ...
元朗1死1傷謀殺及傷人案, 警方拘捕4名20至29歲男子, 包括2名一度逃到泰國曼谷的疑犯, 全部人黑社會背景. 警方指, 昨日清晨5時多, 2名死傷者離開宏業西街一幢工廈時, 一批蒙面持刀男子, 乘坐四輛私家車到達現場, 追斬死傷者後乘車逃去.
英國外相林德偉上周, 會見被警方國安處通緝的4名港人, 包括鍾劍華及劉珈汶等. 特區政府質疑, 英國政府企圖干預特區依法採取的執法行動, 表示強烈不滿並予以譴責, 並要求英方立即停止干涉純屬中國內政的香港事務. 政府發言人表示, 有關人士竄逃外地後, 涉嫌干犯港區國安法下的罪行, 警方依法向法院申請拘捕令, 並作出通緝,批評英國政府漠視他們的惡行, 顯示出雙重標準的虛偽面目. 發言人指, 當局必定 ...
元朗謀殺及傷人案, 2名疑犯逃到泰國, 在曼谷機場被移民局警察拘捕. 泰國移民局官員表示, 他們是收到國際刑警通報, 拘捕這2名男子. 香港警方今日下午抵達當地, 將引渡疑犯回香港. 事發在昨日清晨5時多, 2名男子在元朗宏業西街懷疑被人以刀襲擊, 1死1傷. 泰國警方當地同日傍晚6時多, 在素萬那普機場拘捕2名疑犯. 他們被拒入境並被扣查.
大律師公會舉行換屆選舉, 副主席毛樂禮接替杜淦堃出任主席一職, 兩名資深大律師許紹鼎和薛日華就獲選為新任副主席. 毛樂禮表示, 目前終審法院海外非常任法官數目較少, 但不影響法院的工作. 他指, 因為部分因素, 本港聘請海外法官時面對挑戰, 但相信會有新法官加入. 他又指, 法治與經濟發展是相輔相成, 而香港作為國際金融中心, 法治相當重要, 公會未來會繼續在重大法治議題上發聲.