What is NCC doing to help protect this habitat? The Nature Conservancy of Canada has conserved many projects with montane forests, including projects in the Castle-Crowsnest Watershed Natural Area.
National parks in Canada represent some of the country’s most wonderous natural spaces that teem with a diversity of plants, animals and awe-inspiring landscapes for everyone to explore and enjoy. Yet ...
Suzie O'Bomsawin est Abénakise d'Odanak. Elle est actuellement directrice générale adjointe - responsable des ressources humaines au Conseil des Abénakis d'Odanak. Suzie a la désignation ASC depuis le ...
Si vous cherchez une solution facile pour attirer les oiseaux , suivez ces étapes pour fabriquer une mangeoire avec une pomme de pin, communément appelée « cocotte ». Première étape : rassemblez votre ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) newly acquired property in the Upper Qu’Appelle Valley — designated as Last Mountain Lake 1 — is relatively small compared to the other eight properties it ...
European swallow-wort, most commonly known as dog-strangling vine, is a member of the milkweed family. Despite its name, it doesn't pose any real threat to dogs. Unfortunately, it does pose a ...
Nichées contre le versant ouest des Rocheuses, les forêts de l’aire de conservation Geddes Creek relient les hauts sommets aux riches milieux humides situés au fond de la vallée. Au nord de Radium Hot ...
Nestled against the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains, the forests of Geddes Creek Conservation Area link the upper mountains to the rich wetlands of the valley-bottom below. Located just north of ...
Every summer, the Bay of Fundy is host to thousands of shorebirds as they migrate from their breeding grounds in the Canadian Arctic to their winter home in South America. Shorebirds stop at the Bay ...