Housing the world’s largest public collection of modern poetry, we are the National Poetry Library; free to join across the UK, and London’s only space dedicated to poetry study. Founded by the Arts ...
Come along to a special, free London Literature Festival edition of Rug Rhymes, the National Poetry Library’s song and rhyme session for under-5s. Poet and performer Arji Manuelpillai and jazz ...
Discover new poets through this free online collection of brilliant, moving, funny and groundbreaking poems curated by our specialist poetry librarians. Search the poems by type or by topic, or use ...
Presented by the T.S. Eliot Society, writer, broadcaster and theologian Richard Harries will present a talk on “Eliot, Auden and the enjoyment of life.” The lecture will be followed by a drinks ...
Dancing Words presents ‘The Ugly Daughter’ by Warsan Shire — a feminist version of the poem exploring the power relates to the female body and how many women can no longer call their bodies home.
Like seagulls stuffed with bread. Tin-tin; pang-pang. And this monotony is our Sturm und Drang Of which few poets have the heart to sing.
Kevin Barry is the multi-award-winning author of novels City of Bahone, Beatlebone, Night Boat to Tangier, and the short story collections There Are Little Kingdoms, Dark Lies the Island and That Old ...
Catastrophe/Galiilyo by Weedhsame is a poem of anguish about the displacement of the Somali people, western Europe’s response to the refugee crisis, and a message of hope to refugees. Weedhsame will ...
London Literature Festival unites readers of every age to celebrate the written and spoken word Try a weird, wonderful winter sport in an awesome alpine setting as The Curling Club returns.