Nine officers from the Madhya Pradesh Police’s Anti-Terrorism Squad (MP ATS) have been suspended following the custodial death of a suspect in a terror funding case at a hotel in Gurugram. The ...
Himanshu Kumar was among six suspects detained in a terror-funding and fraud investigation by the ATS of Madhya Pradesh ...
In 2024, dictatorships fell in both Syria and Bangladesh. Why do some autocratic regimes collapse so swiftly? And why is the ...
Tahawwur Rana's attorney has petitioned the US Supreme Court to review the previous decision to extradite him to India, invoking double jeopardy. Rana, implicated in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, had ...
The Kremlin has been discussing Donald Trump's claims that a meeting between him and Vladimir Putin is being set up. Meanwhile, Russian elites are concerned with Vladimir Putin's efforts to wage a ...
Ukraine latest: Russia responds to Trump claim over meeting with Putin; Ukraine 'strikes supermarket in Russian-held city with US missiles' The Kremlin has been discussing Donald Trump's claims ...
Calling people "mentally ill" based on their sexual identity and referring to women as "household objects" will now be allowed in the context of political discussions on social media giant Meta's ...
Covering Netflix News Independently Since 2013. What’s on Netflix is not owned by or affiliated with Netflix or any of its partners in any capacity. The authors of this site also have no affiliation ...
Passionate about antique weapons, Rakesh Dhawade gained fame after he got associated as an arms consultant with Aamir ...